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MEI CyberGuard Mobile Surveillance Trailer
The MEI CyberGuard Mobile Surveillance Trailer (MST) is designed to aid in video surveillance and remote monitoring. Each MST is mobile, easy to install and/or relocate on our Client’s sites. Surveillance cameras sit atop a telescoping mast (up to 38′) providing excellent coverage of the area being surveilled. The power source for the MEI CyberGuard product line is a combination of solar panels with battery backup. Each MST includes the option to add an LP gas generator for continuous uninterrupted 24/365 power.
Our MEI CyberGuard Mobile Surveillance Trailers are custom designed to the specific needs of our Clients. MEI CyberCorp blends cutting edge technology with the latest technical components in each build. Product pictures are only a repesentation of the Mobile Surveillance Trailer and the final product will vary based on the specific needs of our Clients.